I grew up in the coastal town of Bristol, RI. My dad was Bristols' First Realtor and our home life evolved around Real Estate. I still hear stories today, about how my father helped someone to buy their first home.

     A lot has changed since then. My dad didn't live to see me make my own way to becoming a Realtor, however, I am sure he is proud of me carrying on his legacy. 

      For me, being a Realtor with TL Holland is about taking a journey with another human being. Listening and learning about them, their needs and what they truly want. There is no greater joy then closing day, when I know my client is finally home and I helped them to get there.

       In my free time, I love spending time with my husband, my soul mate and my best friend. I love to go off and see the world with him; whether to a National Park, Europe or a local jaunt to a place we've not yet visited.

       When I am home, I enjoy being creative whether I am spinning yarn on my spinning wheel, knitting a shawl or decoupaging seashells, I am always in awe of what can be created with my hands, my mind and a YouTube video.

        I love to support local artists. Whether I am home or traveling the nicest treasures are always made by the human hand.

         I enjoy eating healthy and while I've been known to consume too much chocolate at times, I am dedicated to organic food and holistic nutrition. My husband and I enjoy our organic vegetable and flower garden each summer and preserving as much as we can for the winter months.

         If I had to describe myself in one sentence it would be...I live fearlessly, always passionate about freedom, honesty, integrity and the human experience.

                                   In peace and joy,
